Estimated Time of Arrival
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) is a rapid access service that supports people to reconnect with their communities in a pro-social and positive way through engagement, connection to basic needs and social/emotional supports while bridging to a wide variety of services that help people feel validated and more connected to their communities.

ETA is for you if…
You are feeling isolated or alone.
You are a survivor of systemic racism, bullying, or hate.
You are feeling the world is full of injustice.
You are feeling disconnected at work, school, within your family or with other social connections.
You want somebody to speak with about ideas that others may not understand.
You want to make change in the world but nobody is listening.
You feel your race, culture, religion, ethnic group or your ideas about the world are under attack.
Social media and networking sites make you depressed, anxious or angry.
You feel depressed or anxious.
You feel violence is justified to solve global problems.
You know a family member or friend who needs help.
You have criminal charges.
You’re stuck in a situation and you feel like you can’t leave.
You have been investigated for, or accused of federal criminal offenses.

About ETA
ETA is a service that can support you to reconnect with people, places, things, or just have a simple conversations with no expectations. We can provide connection to employment, school, faith based organizations, volunteerism, basic needs such as housing, food, shelter, clothing. ETA is an inclusive space where you can have conversations with no expectations or speak to our trained therapists and engagement workers about anything on your mind. Our goal together with you is to advocate and join you to support in creating safe spaces in your community and meet your individual needs, either emotional or physical.
Open Dialogue
Open Dialogue is a group and webinar series that supports discussions around social media/media literacy, identity, bias and hate, mental and social health. We offer one off workshops or 8-10 week intensive group sessions for youth and young adults between the ages of 12 to 35. Open Dialogue is available to communities across Ontario virtually and in-person within the Greater Toronto Area.

Workshops, Training Sessions & Consultation
ETA employees are available to provide workshops and training sessions in the following areas:
- Political, Religious, Ideological based extremism
- Vulnerabilities, risk factors, and identifying people that require support
- Trends related to Political, Religious, Ideological based extremism.